Michael Tsarion's introduction to the occult history of Ireland; the Irish conflict and role of British Intelligence. Irish secret societies; Illuminati in Ireland; Clan na Gael, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Defenders, United Irishmen, Orange Order, Black Preceptory, Royal Black Institution; Battle of the Boyne; Irish Counter-Intelligence Agents within the Republican Movement; the Provisional IRA, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, Ribbon Society, Order of the Illuminati; Order of the Carbonari; Giuseppe Mazzini, Adam Weishaupt; Astro-Theology; Masonic Symbolism; Judite Symbolism; Atonism; Worship of the Dark Side of the Sun; World Control; Genocide of the Druids and Arya; Misrepresentation of the term Aryan; Conor MacDari, Anna Wilkes, Comyns Beaumont, etc...for more info log on to https://www.mtsar.com and https://www.irishoriginsofcivilization.com and https://www.taroscopes.com/miscellanous-pages/briefhistoryireland.html